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العرض سارٍ لـ:
إذا كنت صاحب عمل مبدعًا تكافح من أجله
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من هناك؟
إنه معالج عملك يوضح لك كيفية جذب المتابعين والعملاء باستمرار ، يا أوزة سخيفة!
ذ للانتقال إلى قاعدة بيانات البريد الإلكتروني
وهو أكثر فعالية لوضع اللمسات الأخيرة في الواقع وجعل بيع الخاص بك؟ Instagram أو التسويق عبر البريد الإلكتروني؟
إنه تسويق عبر البريد الإلكتروني.
نعم أعلم ، لقد فوجئت أيضًا.
في هذه الوحدة ، ستتعلم كيفية إنشاء قاعدة بيانات بريد إلكتروني كاملة للعملاء يمكنك إرسال العروض الترويجية إليهم بانتظام.
هل تشعر بالتردد؟
لدي القليل من 2 دقيقة. رسا لة لك تريح عقلك ...
How much does it cost?Private appointments start from $50 For events & workshops, please fill out the form to receive a quotation.
How long does the tattoo last?While every body/skin/design is different, a typical range is 8 - 12 days. It highly depends on your skin type & exposure to water (i.e. showers & sweating).
Does it hurt?Not one tiny bit! If anything it's a completely relaxing & soothing experience. The jagua ink used for your tattoo contains cooling properties that helps destress the body. A tattoo that doesn't hurt, what can be better?
What is the tattoo ink made out of?Tattoo ink is made out of jagua - juice extracted from a fruit called 'Genipe Americana' commonly found in Central and South America. It's 100% organic, natural & safe. The recipe includes: - Jagua - Lavendar Essential Oil - Xanthum Gum - Water
How can I make my tattoo last longer?My recommendation is to cover it up with vaseline once in the morning and once at night. That should help preserve your tattoo by limiting its exposure to water, amongst other things. During your showers, you can also cover it up with a plastic bag or bandage.
Where is your studio located?Church & Wellesley (5 min walk from Wellesley station). Address is emailed once a booking has been confirmed. Studio is for private appointments only.
Is the temp tattoo halal? (permitted in religion)Yes, it is halal! Temp tattoos & henna is categorized as an element of beautification, which is permitted in religion.
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